If you feel exhausted easily in spite of the fact that you sleep for eight or nine hours and if your face looks pale and dull, there is possibility that you may suffer from chronic anemia. Anemia is caused when the hemoglobin level of your body decreases below the normal level and when the total number of red blood cells seems to be quite low. If you suffer from this type of disease, it is advisable that you should eat healthy and fresh food products on a regular basis. Here are a few important food products that are recommended for people who suffer from this type of disease.SpinachThis type of item contains good amount of vitamin A, C, E and B9 and other essential nutrients such as beta carotene, fiber and iron. If you eat a half cup of spinach, then there is possibility that you can consume more than three milligrams of iron daily and it also accounts for nearly twenty percent of the total requirement of iron in a human body.
Image Source : http://truediscipleship.com/ |
If you eat spinach on a daily basis, there is every possibility that you can increase the total amount of blood in your own body.BeetrootBeetroot contains high amount of iron and it also helps you to repair as well as restore the total amount of red blood cells in your body. Once the red blood cells are activated, there is every possibility that the oxygen supply of your body also increases to a great extent. If you consume adequate amount of beetroot on a regular basis, then you will able to fight this type of disease in the best possible way. You can either consume it along with other vegetable such as tomatoes, carrots or you can crush two or three beetroots in a mixer to prepare delicious beetroot juice. If you eat beetroot with other vegetables or if you drink beetroot juice, there is possibility that you will increase the total count of red blood cells and you can fight this type of disease in the best possible way.PomegranatesThey contain adequate amount of iron, vitamin C and other essential ingredients and they improve the flow of blood in your own body in the best possible way. Plus, they are used to treat different symptoms of anemia, such as exhaustion, weakness and dizziness.
You can eat two or three raw pomegranates or you can prepare a delicious juice from pomegranates to drink it regularly during your breakfast.Eggs They contain adequate amount of protein ingredients and they also constitute a lot of essential antioxidants that help in accumulation of essential vitamins in your body at times when you suffer from this type of disease. It is important to remember that a large sized egg contains one milligram of iron and it helps you to fight anemia in the best possible way.TomatoesThey contain adequate amount of vitamin C and other important ingredients such as Vitamin E, beta carotene and vitamin E. You can either eat two or three raw tomatoes on a daily basis or you can prepare one glass of tomato juice to drink it during your breakfast.Indian Grocery is dedicated in offering different types of Indian groceries online as well as various types of household products to the customers. Do you wish to purchase chicken pickle? It is advisable that you should contact Indian Grocery as quickly as possible.
Fruits are indeed a blessing for us, they are a package filled with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and many phytonutrients. They are a powerful tool to keep you
healthy and glowing. Apart from providing
health benefits, fruits taste delightful too!Colourful way to your goodness
We have heard the famous saying that "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." But, an apple alone cannot do all the
good that your health needs. Like a rainbow which is made up of many colours, your health should also be made up of many colours and variety of fruits. Here are some easily available
variety of colourful fruits that you can choose to benefit you mentally and physically:
The king of
fruits not only tastes great, but is also packed with uncountable benefits. It is a rich source of Iron and Vitamin A.
Red in colour, Strawberries are filled with antioxidants and they provide you Vitamin C in abundance. They also contain folic acid, manganese, potassium, copper and Vitamin B-complex.
Having shades of yellow green, Bananas are an important source of carbohydrate, fat, protein, iron, potassium and phosphorous.
Oranges contain collagen, which keep your skin look younger. They also help in maintain oral PH level, preventing tooth decay and cavities.
Pineapples contains enzymes that help in building strong bones and improving digestion. It is a highly beneficial fruit for improving skin elasticity, curing skin infections and it also helps improve digestion.
Both Green and Red coloured Apples contain rich amount of pectin, which helps reduce bad cholesterol up to 16%. Its potassium content helps in better functioning of kidneys and also helps in kidney stone removal.
They are the green queen of fruit kingdom. Grapes contain essential Vitamins like Vitamin A, C and B6. They are also packed with important minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, selenium and magnesium.
Red inside and green on the outside, watermelons are rich in electrolytes, potassium, lycopene, Vitamin B-1, B6, C and manganese.